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Thursday, July 8, 2010

I have totally forgotten about having this blog until I received this email notification about comments added in my Gmail. I've checked the last posted date and it's dated 2 years ago! A whooping 2 years! Time sure flies, it doesn't feel that long ago since I last blog. Oh well, lots have happened in the past 2 years. I won't be writing every single detail down here, it wouldn't have fit anyways. To summarize it, I've changed company early this year (March, to be specific) to Originex Networks Sdn Bhd. I would call it a big change for me, experience wise. A good change, nonetheless. Happier working environment, handful of things to learn, so it's all good for now. I don't know how long am I going to stay here for but one thing I know, is that IT is not something I want to do in the future. I figured I still have quite a reasonable amount of time to really think about what I would want to do later in my life.

Moving on, I've also met someone really special. For once, I am sure of my feelings towards the relationship, towards him. I really want things to work, this time around. Enough of fooling around, that's what my dad says. It's not like I have any plans as of now to settle down, but I would work my ass off to make sure that things works between us and I know for a fact that he feels the same way too. So it's mutual :) We have recently moved into Riana Green and I would like to call it our sanctuary. I figured paradise would be too much of a word for it :)

Looking on the down side, I haven't been the most healthy me this year. I'm still counting how many times have I ended up in the hospital. Remembered once was for chronic gastric, then just recently is for food poisoning. Awful, bad experience. I've gotten jab twice on my left ass cheek, once on my right ass cheek and once on my left hand only to get rid of the pain. Well, sure hope that will not happen again (fingers crossed). Well, I had better go off now. I'll be heading to the Curve for dinner with my sis while waiting for Alvin to settle his things. Heard Eclipse is out today, going to try to grab some tickets. Hehe!

0express yourself

[6:19 PM]

Saturday, July 12, 2008

i just stepped out from the shower, feeling all clean now so I've decided to blog. My new job is starting this Monday, felt a little excited over working with the new company. I guess it's because one of my colleague is supposed to be bringing a bottle of wine to celebrate me joining the company that had caused all the excitement. Alcohol never fails to excite me nevertheless. Speaking of which, we should all rejoice and hail to the existence of alcohol! Enough with the new job/alcohol bit, last few days, i was partying with the girls in Diane's/Paul's place. It has been such long time we party that long. We started from about 11-ish at night and probably leave around 5pm the next day. Hooray to that! That's it, I'm running out of stuff to write. Carlsberg please!

20express yourself

[12:35 AM]

Saturday, June 14, 2008

i feel pathetic. i feel vulnerable. i feel weak. i've missed my crying day this month. i need to get away.

*totally random*

Are you really here or am I dreaming
I can't tell dreams from truth
for it's been so long since I have seen you
I can hardly remember your face anymore

When I get really lonely
and the distance causes our silence
I think of you smiling
with pride in your eyes a lover that sighs

If you want me satisfy me, if you want me satisfy me
If you want me satisfy me, if you want me satisfy me

Are you really sure that you’d believe me
when others say I lie
I wonder if you could ever despise me
when you know I really try
to be a better one to satisfy you
For your everything to me
and I’ll do what you ask me
if you’ll let me be, free

If you want me satisfy me, if you want me satisfy me
If you want me satisfy me, if you want me satisfy me
If you want me satisfy me, if you want me satisfy me

#if you want me by Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova [ from the movie 'ONCE']

0express yourself

[7:10 PM]

Friday, June 6, 2008

people went petrol crazy last 2 days ago. It was announced and the increase of 1.92 to 2.70 were finalized. i wasn't about to join in the ridiculous queue for petrol but was obviously stuck in the jam caused by those petrol crazy people. i was told to avoid any road that has petrol stations at the sides, and so i've paid the toll and used the highway. anyways, i've seen how people can be so funny at times.

i left my office about 8 something. it wasn't long before i realised that i made the wrong turn and ended up joining the long queue. first, there was this lorry. i figured that the driver must be feeling really frustrated with the jam and so he had decided to do something outrageous. he suddenly decide to turn over to the opposite road, trying to go up and over the divider. ended up? the lorry got stucked on that divider, not able to move at all. everyone was laughing at him, he laughed himself too and start waving to the people around him.

AND THEN, there was this guy walking down the road, knocking on every car window and passed us this card that says: " use NGV, save petrol!!". the thing is, he had walk back and forth along this (approximately 100m or so?) road and i'm still pretty much stuck at the same spot. damn! the jam was terrible. first time i got stuck in a jam in freaking Kota Kemuning for about an hour or so.

i don't quite understand it though, it is not like you pump full tank and then it'll last you for a month? two to three more days the most? oh well, that's human. but it's people like this that puts a smile on my face when i'm thinking about it, it practically brightens up my day cause it's always funny to laugh at someone else. i know i'm mean but it's true!

0express yourself

[5:45 PM]

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

So this is what you mean
And this is how you feel
So this is how you see
And this is how you breathe

SometimesI know
SometimesI go down deep
So this is what you mean
And this is how you feel
So this how you see
And this is how you breathe

SometimesI know
SometimesI go down deep
Beneath the deep blue sea
Touching every breath
All a slight off hand
For everything you left

SometimesI know
SometimesI go down deep
SometimesI give myself for you
SometimesI know down deep

note: loving this song so much! It's by Binocular - Deep.

0express yourself

[5:10 PM]

Saturday, May 24, 2008

i hate confrontation, who doesn't? right? But i've learned that it's something we all must go through. tough process. things happened for a reason, whether it's caused by own-self or for what ever reason there is. Facing the consequences is the hardest part of all. Letting go of the luxuries that were given to you is another thing, getting rid of the companionship one has gotten so used to, moving on to a new chapter of life with new faces around. Thoughts that slap you right on your face. anyways, bet all of you wouldn't know what i'm blogging up until now. Nevermind all that now. i gotta be heading out to tapao food.

0express yourself

[8:38 PM]

Friday, May 23, 2008

it's a strange world we all lived in. something i thought is auricular, not anymore now. sometimes, it's funny how things had turned out to be. I really don't know whether to laugh along with it, or to cry because of it. emotions are barely useful at these times.

headache. panadol. fuck!


0express yourself

[10:49 AM]

rock on

name : Jesse
zodiac : Cancer
school: Stamford College
age : 22 and counting


music player

cashback soundtrack

out of tune


x x x x x